Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Blame the Bad Call, Not the Fans

I am a Denver Broncos fan and I am thrilled we won on Sunday, but please don't blame us fans for the bad call by Ed Hochuli. Cutler obviously fumbled, which could have saved San Diego, but thank God for Shanahan's bold call to go for two! At least there was something to for us to very proud of, rather than keep talking about the call (which I am sure we'll still be talking about in 09 and beyond.)

As the wife of a Chargers fan I can tell you that life in my house on Sunday was not fun. I repeat, NOT FUN. I won't be hearing the end of this for 15+ weeks!

As for Ed Hochuli, I have to believe he thought he made the right call, because this was so unlike him. I kind of feel bad for him because he's lost so much credibility from all this. Calls like this will most likely qualify to be overturned next season.

For us fans, just let us enjoy our 2-0 division start. We clearly have a great team and we earned our points. Don't blame us for a lucky break on a call. And please, please let Cutler enjoy his amazing start!

1 comment:

Linda Latta said...

That picture of you two is HOTTTTTT!