Monday, October 18, 2010

45% of NFL Fans are Women - That Rocks!

Okay, Okay I'm back! I hate starting something I cannot finish, so I plan to give this my all from now on.

According to NFL Commisioner Roger Goodell, 45% of NFL fans are women! That's reason to celebrate and a damn good reason for me to keep this site going, for all the ladies who love to talk football.

I watch all the games, every week, and I participate in a few pools (just for fun) but I don't do Fantasy if you have found this site and have something to say on that subject please feel free.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why I Don't Blog Here Very Often

I talk about NFL and watch NFL all the time. That is why I started this blog. But life has become so hectic, work super busy and I just don't find the time to blog. I do, however, tweet! So if you want to, you can follow me @LedgeDancer on Twitter.

Congratulations New Orleans Saints! I can't wait to celebrate with you at JazzFest this year!